-Hurdle 4-
This isn't a homosexual website, this is a heterosexual website (for me)
-Hurdle 1-
If you are black, maybe your father told you a long, winding story about how he had two dogs and a cat or four birds in a nest that he had to protect. Back in the old days the CIA would go around searching for spiritually-connected blacks to work in their slave-based dance camps. That last sentence was a joke but I'm sure that in the 1980's "they" tried to speedrun PINEAL GLAND ABSOLUTION by pushing crack which I'm sure helps people stay spiritually present and inching closer to the spirit of the world. I have no idea what actual, baseline crack does for people. 1980's U.S. government crack was probably better than whatever overpriced, half-cut stuff you've been chewing through. You need to kill people who wrong you. Only kill me if your name is Mark "Anything" and you get all the freaky visuals sober or whatever God said. And you have to do it NOW or you fucked up and now it's too late for anything productive or fun in the present timeline you've chosen for yourself and I have chosen for you. Please take your medicine that makes you better and different. If that isn't your name you don't have the free will intended to kill me. What is, if at all, the required pretense for name and locality based Jihad? I feel like human beings can agree that there is a consistent holy spirit present in this life that can be seen via all the naming shit and rationalizing existence via random sports statistics such as the 2005 Hurricane Katrina New Orleans Saints. If you are fed up with life maybe you can get into the numbers game and make sure to acknowledge any and all team or player sports statistics that might agree with you and yours' God. Sports work for me but you can also look at airline disasters and/or celebrity suicides/birth dates and OD's/death dates. Everything is made out of macaroni these days because Vietnam veterans didn't share any of their learned/taught sexual techniques with anyone outside of the secret circle.
If you want to get to the real meat of anything,
-Hurdle 2-
What is the spirit of your locality? Is it the holy spirit? Do school shooters get any cool acid-like visuals when they are thinking up their assaults or examining all there is to life before death. There are enough JK-Robertsesque mass shootings (and not enough reading!!!) to supplement the fulfilment of FULL LADDER potential. The internet is a good resource for information and GORE. If I was a president for a week I would put all sorts of fake Finders "Cult" files and/or reports onto internal websites and see who would leak them like a game of Risk. All of it would be wet and nasty, internal MIT docs and shit. I'm sure they would get an award, if not street cred. If you're 15, you should self-immolate before you kill your firstborn son. At the very least you would be doing something cool like protesting. Here's for rationing: Maybe a Hindu God will reward you with another fulfilling or "as is" life with all your video games and Nintendos. At the very least you should be allowed another life where you are given the opportunity to replay all of the video games you enjoyed playing in this life. Although I'm not sure if reincarnation will pop you out at the same place that you were born at previously. I don't know if you've been praying to a Christian God up above to be allowed another life at the same spot you used to live at, if that is even what you want or is found to be necessary. If you can remember what you wanted out of life, you could try praying for it. Maybe you will find life in the eternal spirit of Christ
-Hurdle 3-
I'm not sure how "their" Skull 2 Voice works. I don't know what it sounds like living in your head everyday when you're trying to clearly decipher my/your own thoughts. To get around mass surveillance and other woes, black people would get slumpy-pissdrunk in order not to be found as spiritual plus conscious via the tri-national registrar. They/yoou might have gotten piss drunk so that the radio (voice2skull, text2speech, thoughts2excelspreadsheet, thoughts2voice, skull2audiosurveillancestate) I'm not sure how many generations this has to last to emotionally detach the surviving population (racial) from the events and puppeteering. I would wait it out. I'm not even sure if that all hap penned. Maybe they got on crack because they didn't feel the need to work after all the slavery you read about. Someone has to go rile up the black population in the United States of America.